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1 62 Don't cause trouble and I won't have to hurt you.
2 62 Well, I'd better be off.
3 62 Come home soon, OK?
4 62 Go and report it to the captain.
5 62 Understood.
6 62 Ugh, another rough day...
7 62 Tell me about it... Maybe over a drink?
8 62 Me hungry like Volff...
9 62 Welcome home!
10 62 Feels good to be back!
11 62 I know a really nice place.
12 62 Wanna go together?
13 62 OK! Same place tomorrow!
14 62 Don't you need to attend to the shop out front?
15 62 I haven't been feeling so great lately, so my son's been handling it for me...
16 62 Oh, bother, bother!
17 62 Urk...
18 62 How about going to a hospital instead of hanging round here? Just a thought...
19 62 Are you going to war too, Daddy?
20 62 Do you have to?
21 62 Dadapooon! Mamapoooon!
22 62 Where you go?
23 62 Now that's a big castle...
24 62 There's nothing like that in Gormott, that's for sure.
25 62 Where the littlepons gone off to?
26 62 Just focus on the job, all right?
27 62 We gotta fix this up before nightfall.
28 62 Wouldn't want anyone falling and having an accident.
29 62 My friend's gone to Gormott. I wonder if they're doing fine...
30 62 Mama, can I buy a sweetie?
31 62 Oh, all right then. But just the one!
32 62 I feel sorry for the soldiers...
33 62 What's up with that guy?
34 62 He just drank too much. Same old story!
35 62 Sometimes I crave an open-air bath... It's not weird, is it?
36 62 Air here taste more spicier than me thought!
37 62 Where did I put it...? Hmm...
38 62 You'd better find that key. I'm not sleeping outside!
39 62 This open-air hot spring is the best in the empire.
40 62 I could happily come here every day!
41 62 That big Titan weapon's gone now, huh.
42 62 Maybe it went back to the palace?
43 62 Quick, quick! Somebody maybe come!
44 62 Shut up! Just be patient.
45 62 Where do you want to go today?
46 62 I think I'd like to look at board games!
47 62 You got anything new?
48 62 Yessir! Got a new shipment in just yesterday.
49 62 Taste all right to you?
50 62 Yeff! It'f delifiouf!
51 62 Have you any tactical manuals in stock?
52 62 Allow me to take a look...
53 62 When I'm all grown up, I wanna be a salvager!
54 62 Me want be soldier!
55 62 Over here this time, huh...?
56 62 Let's just get it over with quickly.
57 62 Hm, what should I make today...
58 62 These veggies here are very popular.
59 62 Twee-ta-doot ♪
60 62 Tee-dat ♪ De-boop ♪
61 62 Nana, come onnnnn!
62 62 I'm coming, I'm coming.
63 62 Wow! Whoa! Mor Ardain is AWESOME.
64 62 I can't believe how bright it is at night!
65 62 C'mon, Bro! Leave some for me too!
66 62 Nuh-uh! It's all mine!
67 62 You can't just do that!
68 62 Bwaah! I'm sorry...
69 62 You've got that faraway look again.
70 62 Oh, just remembering my days with the army band...
71 62 Even the requests on the notice board sound kind of violent lately...
72 62 They're so lucky...
73 62 The security here's impressive!
74 62 Is very important place, what friend expect?
75 62 Urgh, my head...
76 62 You'd better consider your limits next time...
77 62 Today we'll be patrolling around the laboratories!
78 62 Sir! Yes! Sir!
79 62 So many bathhouses! Which one do I go to today?
80 62 It too briiight!
81 62 Are we sure it not explode?
82 62 Plenty of stuff to transport today, huh?
83 62 Yeah, it's gonna be another tough day...
84 62 Ugh... I'm totally lost.
85 62 Late on first day of job?! Unbelievable.
86 62 This door is not door that open?
87 62 Yeah, you don't see it open very often...
88 62 Here, let me help.
89 62 Thank you!
90 62 What kind of place is Argentum?
91 62 Is very busy! Lots of busyness! Friend should visit and help economy!
92 62 Still working at this hour?
93 62 Hey, quality work takes time.
94 62 How are you doing over there?
95 62 Nearly done!
96 62 Just what you'd expect from a military facility.
97 62 Let's head back before people show up.
98 62 What the heck is this graffiti...? Some kind of new code?
99 62 Wanna go shopping together?
100 62 I guess so...
101 62 Ooh, aren't you a strapping fellow!
102 62 Why don't you come have a bite to eat at my place?
103 62 Hey, I'm sorry. I tried my best, but...
104 62 The older kids get to play out in the open. Not fair!
105 62 Hey, that's dangerous! Come back at once!
106 62 Look, Dad! There's some sort of entrance down below!
107 62 I've been seeing lots of Drivers around the palace recently.
108 62 I've heard they've been recruiting far and wide.
109 62 I can't hear you, maggots! Answer me like you mean it!
110 62 Sir! Yes! Sir!
111 62 Sir! Yes! Sir!
112 62 Sir! Yes! Sir!
113 62 Sir! Yes! Sir!
114 62 Tomorrow's training is harder than today's! Aren't you all glad?!
115 62 Sir! Yes!!! Sir!!!
116 62 Sir! Yes!!! Sir!!!
117 62 Sir! Yes!!! Sir!!!
118 62 Sir! Yes!!! Sir!!!
119 62 Sir! Yes!!! Sir!!!
120 62 Ugh, I give up...
121 62 One! Two! Three!
122 62 Whoever fails this exercise gets a one-way ticket to Gormott!
123 62 How many ships was it today...?
124 62 I hear they're developing a new model.
125 62 Does it look fixable?
126 62 This part keeps breaking, doesn't it...
127 62 Now I hear we've got internal enemies, too?
128 62 No rest for the wicked, say I.
129 62 You better be ready for battle. Make sure you know how to use this.
130 62 I will.
131 62 Let's play ball!
132 62 Yeah! And after that, we can play soldiers!
133 62 What do I do...? I think I dropped that key somewhere around here...
134 62 Losing the key to the harbor gates... My CO is gonna be so pissed!
135 62 I can't find it anywhere... Don't tell me it's fallen right off the bridge...!
136 62 Fadhail's never gonna let me hear the end of this... I'll just have to keep searching tomorrow.
137 62 That's a big vehicle!
138 62 The Titan battleships that came to Gormott were bigger still, y'know...
139 62 Me bring cargo to town on double!
140 62 This crate too heavy, meh...
141 62 Nice load of cargo you've got there.
142 62 Everything is above board! Me check twice myself!!
143 62 Much brighter than torches, isn't it?
144 62 The city's brighter still, you'll see.
145 62 Why it so dusty?!
146 62 Dust get in mouth! Pftheh! Pthooie!
147 62 Please use the far lift for transporting Armus.
148 62 Why, is this one off-limits?
149 62 Pay attention when you're operating this thing.
150 62 Are you sure you've stacked everything?
151 62 Mind you don't offend anyone.
152 62 It's not my first guard shift you know...
153 62 Doing maintenance on this geothermal plant is pretty dangerous work.
154 62 I've asked them loads of times, but the army can't fix the monster problem...
155 62 We use the gondola to get around here. There's a lot of monsters on dry land...
156 62 It's like Mor Ardain's Titan is running a fever!
157 62 If you fall in there, you'll... Let's just say you don't want to fall in there.
158 62 I'm actually afraid of heights? I don't know why they put me up here...
159 62 Let's just keep each other secure, OK?
160 62 The industrial lift's on the left. Lift for people's a bit further in.
161 62 Can we hurry and go to Alba Cavanich now?
162 62 Let's we go!
163 62 Huh... Got in through that little gap, huh?
164 62 Don't fall out of the elevator.
165 62 I wanna go hoooome!
166 62 ...There are procedures for that sort of thing.
167 62 Where's everyone gone...?
168 62 Aren't you hungry?
169 62 ...I'll be fine... Ugh...